Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well, no news yet... The due date is in 2 days, but the baby doesn't seem to be in any kind of hurry... So, here is a bit of a flashback while we wait patiently: pictures of the ultrasound taken at 18 weeks, back in late October. Notice the 3-D pictures which are quite amazing... We'll see what the baby actually looks like when he/she finally shows up his/her nose over the next few days!

More soon...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Belly...

2 weeks left to go, and the belly is quite big... Surely it can't get any bigger, but who knows! That's what I said 2 months ago... Can you believe there is a fully formed baby in there?!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Getting closer...

This is it... We are now only 23 days away from the due date, when we meet baby "Skony"...
Boy? Girl? We'll soon find out...
I think Skony is ready to come out and explore his/her new world... He/she's been stretching out in mommy's belly, and seems anxious to see the light...
More soon...