Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunset walk at Lake Los Carneros

Another great evening walk at Lake Los Carneros. This is getting to be one of Kirra's favorites!

Figuring out the remote control...

Babies seem fascinated by everything they are not supposed to play with (like the TV remote, your car keys, cell phone, etc.). Like other babies, Kirra loves to play with the TV remote (even though she doesn't watch much TV at all); however, she has taken it one step further and decided to take matters in her own hands by studying the Cox Cable manual... What a smart little girl! The even funnier thing is that she likes to hold the remote upside down, and check out how she decided to study the cable manual...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I had fun creating a little holiday card online with JibJab... I hope you enjoy it too!!

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kirra's first Christmas...

Kirra had a fantastic first Christmas! Both her Oma and Opa were there, along with Oma's boyfriend, Billy. She got to open up her presents (well, she tried to), loved the wrapping and the bows (especially the bows!).
We then had a great feast, while Kirra chewed on her spoon, followed by a leasurely afternoon...

Waiting for Santa on Xmas eve...

For some reason, Kirra wouldn't get tired and go to bed on Xmas eve... She kept us up until 1am, full of energy, playing around. Maybe she was waiting for Santa to stop by?! Somehow, she knew something was up... (Notice Tony falling asleep in the background...)

Teeth are not for eating...

One day, Kirra figured out she could use her teeth to pull the leg from the frog on her cube... It had been a bit too hard to pull it with her little fingers until then! Very ingenious...

A couple cute ones!

Christmas at the Morse's

This time, we visit the Morse's, for their annual "decorate the Xmas tree" evening! It was very nice hanging out with Mike, Beth, and his parents. The entire evening, Kirra was in awe of Mike... Very funny! Beth handled it really well though... :-)

Christmas parties

Tis' the season for Xmas parties! We went to a few fun ones this year. First, we went to Kirra's swimming buddy, Nathan. Her other swimming buddy, Luca was also there, and Luke also showed up! We had a lot of mini-Santas crawling around... So cute!

Then, we went to catch up with the Mamatoto babies for their Xmas party in Lara's barn (yes, it was a barn!). We had a lot of fun that day!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Getting closer to crawling...

Every week, Kirra gets stronger and more mobile... Of course, we can't wait to see her crawl, even though we know we'll be in for some trouble, but she seems to be getting ever so close to it... Soon!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hanging out with the babes...

Friday before Xmas, we had our regular Mamatoto meeting with the babies!! It's getting pretty crazy these days with some of them crawling, and even walking! They also have to learn how to share toys, which can be challenging...

SB Botanical Gardens

We got a yearly membership to the SB Botanical Gardens, so we often go there for a walk. We were hoping to see a lot of water down Mission Creek after the rain, but we missed it! Oh well, Kirra still had a great time checking out the redwoods and other cool trees/plants...


We went for a walk to Lake Los Carneros between two rain showers... Kirra really enjoys checking out the ducks, and other feathered friends! She wasn't disappointed this time when a coot actually nibbled on her toe!!! Check out the video...


Yeah for bananas...

We have "some" progress in the introduction of solids to Kirra... Bananas are a hit! Well, it's all relative, but she enjoyed biting into it, and even ate few little bits! Yeah... Since then, she has also enjoyed apples, kiwis and more recently, pears...

Oma's birthday

On Dec 14, we took Oma (Kirra's grandma, Tony's mom) out for breakfast for her birthday, at the Breakwater restaurant, in the harbor. Kirra was so good, she only chewed on about 4 spoons!

First party at the Cantina...

The SBSA (Santa Barbara Soaring Association) held their Xmas party at the "Cantina", which is this classic spot hidden in the SB foothills... Kirra had to stay close to the fire to keep warm, it was such a cold night... She didn't stay too late, but got a taste of our crazy flying friends!!!

Santa gets around...

We went to the Stow House one weekend to see the Xmas activities they had set up there. Santa was there, of course, along with his elf-dog! Kirra also got to pet the "rain-goats"...!